Saturday, March 3, 2012

One week away...

From six months old! I can't believe the time has pretty much flown out the window. It really does seem like I just went to the hospital yesterday...
So far, my big little Monkey is sitting up unassisted! I don't know how or when this happened, I kind of just leaned him up to play one morning and he sat up like a champ!
It's kind of blurry because I took it with my iPod and the lighting sucked, but you get the point.  He's also eating big boy food! So far he's had sweet potatoes, sweet peas, pears, sweet carrots and squash. I'm 99% sure the squash was his favorite. He got really excited after the first bite! 
Since he's sitting up by himself so well, we decided to take the little seat out of his bathtub so he could have a big boy bath. It broke my heart a little... My baby boy will never use his newborn sling again... he'll never need this little seat. (I'm having a hard time with the fact he's growing up so fast...) But he seemed happy and that made me feel a little better.
It's so amazing that my little boy went from this:

to this:
We're guessing he'll be crawling soon. He's kind of scooting now. He's rolling from both tummy and back. He just needs to get up on those hand and knees! Then I'm positive all hell will break loose. He never sits still. Even if he's in one of our laps, his little hands and feet just move like crazy. He even moves all over the place in his sleep! I'm probably going to lose all my preggo weight and more when he's finally moving! lol 
Oh and if he hadn't done it just now, I might have forgotten. He's already telling us no! We'll ask him a question and he'll shake his head. It's adorable! ...well...most of the time. It's not so adorable when I ask, "do you love your mommy?" and I get a head shake. Or, "are you ready for nightnight?" and I get a head shake. Then it's just rude lol 

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