Sunday, April 29, 2012

A Little Late

I started writing a post the day I posted the contest information. And then I stopped and I left it open for like, a week...but I never finished it. A lot of stuff has been happening so I hope I can remember it all!

First of all, Tristan's getting his SECOND tooth! He got his first one a week or so ago and now his second pearly white is breaking through! Needless to say, sleep has been a horrid issue. He doesn't want to sleep and he definitely isn't having this sleeping in his crib business. This morning, he didn't go to sleep until like, 4:30! I was not a happy camper. But neither was he, so everything was even. 

I adjusted the straps after I got two good pictures... The ones with the correct placement he made funny faces in...
Another big thing that happened is... He got his "Big Boy" car seat! We finally upgraded to a convertible car seat since his infant carrier is way too small. We went to WIC and he was weighed and measured and he was about two pounds away from outgrowing his infant seat. He was 19 lbs 14 oz. And 28 inches long! We have a future basketball star on our hands! We ended up getting the AOE, or Alpha Omega Elite by Safety 1st. Apparently, it's one of the "most hated seats." Thanks for the unwanted advice, b*#%& on BabyCenter. She even had the nerve to ask if I was sure my child fit! UHM, HELLO! If he didn't fit, we wouldn't have it. He's a tall kid! The shoulder straps are in the right place, so mind your own damn business! Sorry... I just hate when people throw their opinions on everyone whenever they want. And it felt like she was questioning my parenting... Don't ask me retarded questions like, "are you sure he even fits," or "are you sure it's installed right?" Yes, dumbass. I'm sure. Along with a big boy car seat, he got a new cart cover... yes, he's big enough to ride in the shopping cart. He still gets lazy and goes flump. He also gets tired and lays his head down to try and sleep. But he does pretty good! 

Moving on! Uhm... Let's see. OH YEAH, HE'S CRAWLING! (<-click for video!) He started on the 23rd. It was shocking. He's crawled off the bed a few times...but it was into laundry baskets full of clothes. He thought it was hilarious, but I was freaked out! He keeps trying to crawl through the wall too... All he manages to do is hit his poor little head. And he doesn't stop either, he'll just keep hitting it over and over. He's such a little turd! Before he even started crawling, he started pulling himself up. We had him in his crib one day and we turned our backs for one second and he'd pulled himself up and was looking at us, like, "hey guys. whatsa happenin?" 

He's also mastering the art of "cruising." He can walk if you're holding his hands or if he's holding onto the side of something. Last night, we had him in his playard near Bryce's desk and he walked all the way around it to get to his snacks. It was pretty awesome... until he tried to pull everything down on his head. This child is going to give me a heart attack I swear. Speaking of food, he's also starting to feed himself. Mainly just snacks, but it's a start! We want to start BLW (baby led weaning), when he learns to feed himself instead of continuing with the purees. But we have WIC and they give us 32 jars of food a month, so he's still getting that. He's on to Stage 2 foods, they're just a little chunkier. He's also doing well with Stage 2 1/2 and he's had a few Stage 3. The Stage 3 come in six ounce jars and the others only 4 ounce jars. He's had some snacks that he can feed himself. Earth's Best makes these snacks called, Pop Snax. They have veggie flavor and sweet potato cinnamon. He's also had apple blueberry "wagon wheels," mixed berry yogurt bites and organic green veggie puffs. The last ones are spinach, collared greens and kale... HORRIBLE aftertaste, but he seems to love them. My favorite are the yogurt bites! lol 

One more thing I want to mention is, he sent a smile to a sweet little girl named Avery. Avery has SMA. Here is a link to her blog... I hope you take the time to read at least a little bit of it. :)

Here are a few more pictures... Just for fun :)

                                                                            At the park!

 Trying to get a picture of his tooth!
 How he sleeps... he tries to crawl in his sleep!
 Faux hawk!
 Sleeping on mommy last night
 He's a weirdo :)

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