Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Now that I know that my uncle knows about my blog and knows how (or will know how) to get to it, I should probably update it. :)

So first of all, oh my goodness. So much has happened, I hope I remember it all! The last time I posted, Tristan was getting his second tooth. Well, just this morning I found that he's getting his 5th! He has two on top and he's getting his third on the bottom. I'll try to get a pic in a bit, but right now I have no way of uploading it anyway. His sleep issue has improved. He at least sleeps through the night now. Most of the time. Sometimes he still stays up all night, but for the most part he's doing pretty good.

Last time I updated he had just started crawling and pulling up. Well the past few days, he's been walking fairly well. Sometimes it's still like a drunken sailor walk, but he's doing awesome. He walked across the room to me the other day. I'm super proud of him. Since we've been in Vancouver (my cousin's son just turned one!) he's been getting more social. In January, my cousin Michele came to visit us and she couldn't even get near him without him freaking out. Now she can hold him and her husband can hold him and he just loves everybody to pieces. And he's made some awesome baby friends that he loves to play with. He's also gotten more vocal. He yells a lot now. It's actually kind of cute. Unless you're trying to sleep. We've discovered he has a crazy love for dogs. Michele has two and he just watches them and giiiigles like crazy! He especially loves the big one 'cause he can chase him without mommy worrying too much.

I must away for now. It's naptime for my little Monkeyturd.

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